Friday, November 28, 2008


"There may be a big obstacle to joy in your path today. How do you get past it?"
question posted by Revive Our Hearts daily devotional email 11/28/08

A quick thought today. I was telling my Mom about how awake Little Bit has been all day long & how I'm hoping that means he'll sleep well tonight. Maybe Lilypad the Eternal Optimist is rubbing off on me... making such hopeful statements! Mom just gave a knowing little laugh... we both know there's no guarantee when it comes to babies sleeping at night, or for naps!

I will be the first to admit that I'm not a "morning person" and that I'm not generally a pleasant person until the first cup of coffee starts to take effect... so, everyone will understand a little grumping over lack of sleep, right? I mean, after all, I have a 2 month old at home! But, how much do I want to (or should I) rely on other people having the generosity of spirit required to overlook my lack-of-sleep-induced-moodiness?

Will I let lack of quality (or at least quantity) sleep effect the way I interact with family, friends, or strangers? Has it become an obstacle to my joy? I hope not, yet recognize the all-too-human tendency to focus on what we don't (or no longer) have - which, in my case, is uninterrupted sleep. God help me, I don't want to be "ruled" by how "well rested" I am, or any other changing circumstance of life. What I really want is to be a consistently dependable, mature, stable woman - one who, though not perfect, is growing more into the likeness of Christ. This really seems to be where self-control and temperance are useful tools!

So, do you have an obstacle to joy in your life? How are you battling it? Any suggestions for me? I have to suppose one good one is to finish this post & go to bed :~)


Faith said...

I have learned to be content in all things....although that is sometimes easier said than done..
currently my obstacle is fully embracing the call of God on us to give financially to the new satellite church...we are doing it...but sometimes my "joy" is robbed and I grumble about how that extra $$ could be spent...of course, then I try to remember the "stuff" i think it should be spent on is of no eternal good! LOL....good post, Co!

Pop Quiz Giver said...

Faith, isn't it great that the Lord keeps giving us challenges to prompt growth! Sometimes I wish for an "easier" life, but then I think about how much better I've come to know God in seasons of trial. Reminds me of a quote I read once, though I don't remember who said it - "God is never far away when His gold is in the furnace" :~)

Faith said... that quote!