Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Eternal Optimist

Lilypad the Beagle is the eternal optimist... every time she walks into the kitchen she checks her food bowl & the bowl where "people food" is sometimes generously dispensed. Why does this make her an optimist? Because she checks it EVERY time! Maybe this time something will magically appear in the bowl... I know I looked just a couple minutes ago, but maybe now there's something! Maybe this time! Maybe when I get back inside from the yard!

How often do I diligently look to be blessed? If I look and don't find the "blessing" this time, will I keep looking? or will I simply walk away in disappointment? will I look a couple times, then give up? If I don't get just the blessing I looked for, but find some other item left in my bowl, will I receive it with gratitude? or simply bemoan the fact that it's not what I asked for?

Lilypad wants everything she sees me eat, but as her loving Mommy I know she can't have everything I can. While I enjoy chocolate, it could kill her... and there are other foods that would make her sick or gassy and I don't want her to suffer. (My precious puppy & I have a deal. When she turns 12, then she can have some coffee... I'm hoping the bribery pays off & that she has a really long life :~)

So, the lesson is, when the Lord doesn't give me exactly what I request, I need to trust that His love for me exceeds my love for the puppy and that He knows what is best for me.


Faith said...

Awesome post....great thoughts...my Claire would LOVE your dog!! She is totally into beagles! Oh,,,we need your snail mail address if you could email it to us...we want to send you an invite to something....

Homemanager said...

Hmmm, I'm being challenged by a dog! :-) I guess I need to be more of an optimist...at least persevering!