Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thoughts on Beauty

Good friends of mine have started an outreach to pre-teen & teenage girls. It's exciting & everyone involved is a buzz with the creative energy that often accompanies new projects. I'm not directly working with the group, as much as a "support" person for them, and I still find myself thinking about their "stuff" quite a bit these days. The group is starting out with discussions on the theme of beauty, so I thought I would put some of my own thoughts down and ask for yours too :~)

I might have a different eye for beauty than the average American consumer, as my idea of beauty is not entirely devoted to the shiny & new, the latest fashion, or the popular ideas of the day (not that I'm some sort of hippie!) I follow the styles closely enough to not stick out & embarrass my friends and family, but not so closely that it's impossible to shop at Goodwill.

What do you find beautiful? Here are some of the things that thrill my heart:

  • Watching my parents walking hand-in-hand. They'll celebrate their 50th anniversary next year and are already excitedly considering just how to commemorate the occasion!
  • The look of quiet confidence and joy in my husband's eyes when I tell him "I love you" for about the millionth time!
  • Seeing Little Bit finally settle in to a nap in my arms, forehead damp with fever, tear stains on his cheeks, but at peace with Mama.
  • The little white spot on Lilypad's head that I'm sure Jesus put there as an indication that Mama should give her kisses, right there.
  • Catching my good friend being kissed by her husband when they first arrived somewhere separately and didn't know I was watching.
  • Seeing an older woman friend reach out & help others, while never letting on just how exhausted she is; just so she can be "Jesus' hands" in touching people's lives.
I think most of my stuff boils down to (what I hope is) an improved paraphrase of a movie quote, "Beauty is, as Beauty does".


Lill said...

*completely exhausted people at the soup kitchen, smiling in joy at the work of the Lord that day & talking about next week.

*my daughter's giggle
*good friends who really are good friends
*my cat Lilah when she snuggles in my bed with her head on my leg
*the struggle to follow Christ, is beautiful when it's real
*things done for the Lord & others in secret
*little girls with the eagerness & desire to know who they are & why they are here
*a birds song in the early morning
*I can go on forever
*great posts by good friends

love you

Faith said...

excellent. As soon as I hear the word "beauty" i just never think of looks or fashions. Here's what immediately comes to my mind: sunrays beaming through the aspen trees on a wooded ADK trail, the sunsets over buzzards bay, dave and I holding hands in church during praise and worship, the long (I'm JEALOUS!) lashes of both my girls resting gently on their flushed with sleep cheeks, the sound of either girl practicing violin, the sound of any Beethoven symphony or Mozart sonata, the sound of my church body, voices raised in glorious praise during praise/worship, the look on my pastor's face when he raises a baby up in dedication to the Lord, the mist gently rising off of the mountain peaks near Indian Lake, the sound of a loon, the sound of a whippoorwill, the Cross.

ps...my answer to your ? is up.

Faith said...

hey...just so you know. I closed my blog to general public. if you wanna stay a follower, please email me at hipeaksmom (at) aol (dot) com.
Thanks Co....I'll need YOUR email to add to invite list. I don't have one for you.

Cheri said...

Beautiful is a walk with your little and they way they bend down to smella flower. Beauty is ameal laid out in front of you with steam rolling off the plate. Beauty is every sunrise and every sunset.Beauty is EVERY woman.

So glad I stopped by! :)Thanks