Friday, January 23, 2009

I Just Can't Wait...

For a few weeks my mantra was "I just can't wait... until the holidays are over and I have some free time." Then Little Bit got sick and I started saying "I just can't wait... til he's less fussy and things get back to normal." And now I find myself thinking "I just can't wait... til all the extra hours to complete tax prep at church are over so Sweet Baboo and I can get home from work at a decent hour." It seems like I'm just living life in hope of tomorrow... and missing out on the here and now! I'm starting to realize the truth of the scripture,
James 4:13-15 Look here, you people who say, "Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit." How do you know what will happen tomorrow? For your life is like the morning fog – it's here a little while, then it's gone. What you ought to say is, "If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that."
I keep thinking that I'll have more time to do housework, catch up on my reading, write something on my blog, finish that craft project, at some "magical" point in the future when whatever date has passed by, or when some hinderance has been removed, or I finally "feel" motivated :~) But, really the time to live life is now, in this moment & the Lord is looking to meet me in the midst of the holiday chaos, while I'm holding a sick baby, during tax prep, at all times!

And, isn't that the good news? That God doesn't wait until we have our acts together, but in His grace & mercy He reaches out to us where we are and chooses to call us to Himself. Thank God!


Faith said...

God wants us to live in His Moment. I always try to tell my daughters to live for just today. To do what God wants you to do for that day. And I ever have to live up to what I am teaching them...I mean, I have to consciously remember to act out what I am "preaching" to them. You know what I mean?
you might like today's topic for the Christain Women Online Sat. chat. It is about miracles that the Lord has done in our lives. I just wrote mine. Come on over for a visit and feel free to participate. You can get to their website via my sidebar. Blessings to you Co! hope lil bit is better!

Homemanager said...

Thanks Quizzy, this is a great reminder and I needed it today. :)
That lil bit is such a precious little bundle! Thanks for letting me cuddle him.

Lyllie said...

Absolutely! I am so glad He does not wait till we are altogether....imagine that?!?!?!? None of us would make it--no not one.