Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Protecting My Man

Going into this latest adventure, my Sweet Baboo and I received some good counsel - to protect our hearts. Well, it seemed everyone was worried about me. How would I handle falling in love with a baby, then potentially giving him back to his parents? Just today (yes, 7 weeks later) it occurred to me... what about my hubby? I've been watching him, getting up in the wee hours of the morning, sending me out to the store to get a break from constant baby care, hugging & kissing this cute little boy... and it's pretty obvious that he's fallen in love. I can't blame him, I'm head-over-heels in love myself :~) So, while I was willing to "count the cost" and face heartbreak for myself, it's really bugging me that agreeing to do this might cause my Sweet Baboo heartbreak too... ouch, I would do anything not to hurt him, but now I realize it's too late for him not to get hurt. The one good thing is that when the time comes, we'll both be crying together, and there's no one I'd rather do absolutely anything with than my Sweet Baboo! Of course, there's also a tiny (maybe not too tiny) part of me that selfishly hopes that day never comes & that he can stay a member of the "R" household forever :~)


Faith said...

Love hurts, huh? I'm praying for you and that baby! Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet him...bring him on out to the musical! (12/14 at 5 pm at GF)

Pop Quiz Giver said...

I am hoping to be there & get to see you all. We've just received medical clearance to start bringing Little Bit out into public, though still have to be very careful about exposure to germs, as he is more susceptible to catching things than the average (yup, ours is special!) baby.

Faith said...

Oh yeah....we look forward to it!
And if he gets "fussy" our lobby area also includes an area with chairs, couches with live video feed so you won't miss a thing! Think of the music as stimulating his little brain......we have the cast party directly after the show so if you get there a bit early we can chat and coo over that Little Bitty thing!!

Homemanager said...

The Lord is doing a wonderful thing in all of this. Your relationship with your Sweet Baboo is growing and strengthening and that is what happens with every trial that we have.
The roots go deeper, we know one another deeper and we become more "one" and that brings a greater glory and reflection of the Holy One that you serve.
Glory to God!
Blessings on you, Sis!